Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Documentary images

A 'new' old idea. Photographs that document. Not in the way of photojournalism because the subject matter seems hardly worthy of note.

I am not making a statement, not being 'creative', just seeing what is there. Something that catches my interest for reasons that I am perhaps not even able to articulate.

That feeling when...

Each of these images gave me that feeling. Not in a big way, more a momentary 'ah!' of recognition. These images are everywhere and yet it takes a special effort to see them, to be 'caught' — in that way.

I don't know what more to say. I have been trying too hard to be 'creative' — trying to make something out of nothing using the hocus pocus of camera technique — when what I should be doing is attending to what is out there, the thing whatever it is that gives me 'that feeling when'.

My resolution for 2016.

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